Our technologies are successfully used throughout Europe.

Long-term monitoring Riedberg Tunnel

Bundeamt für Strassen ASTRA, 2022 - 2030
Gampel, Switzerland

Automatic and manual tunnel and terrain monitoring measurements

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Haus zum Falken, Zürich-Stadelhofen

Axa-Anlage­stiftung, Zürich , 2022 - 2025
Zürich, Switzerland

Automatic and manual excavation and track monitoring

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Haus zum Falken Zürich

Quaibrücke, Zurich

Civil engineering department of Zurich , 2024 - ...
Zurich, Switzerland

Automatic bridge monitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Quaibrücke, Zürich

Pilatus Arena Kriens

Halter AG, 2022 - 2026
Kriens, Switzerland

Manual and automatic monitoring measurements

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Pilatus Arena Kriens

Construction project LUX, Schindellegi

Baulink AG, 2023 - 2026
Schindellegi, Switzerland

Automatic and manual monitoring measurements

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LUX Schindellegi

Rösslimatt building site B+C, Lucerne

SBB AG/Stump-BTE AG, 2023
Lucerne, Switzerland

Complex groundwater monitoring during civil engineering works

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Rösslimatt Luzern

Akara Tower, Baden

HRS Real Estate AG, 2021-2022
Baden, Switzerland

Automatic monitoring measurements and as-built documentation with CraneCam

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Akara Tower

New building Sammelbüel Teufen

Timon Bischofberger AG, 2023-2024
Teufen, Switzerland

Construction pit monitoring and CraneCam documentation

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Sammelbüel Teufen

Extension car park UG25, St. Gallen

Senn Resources AG, 2019 - 2023
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Automatic and manual building monitoring with geodetic, geotechnical and environmental sensors

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UG25 StGallen

Natural History Museum, Basel

Implenia Schweiz AG, 2021 - 2024
Basel, Switzerland

Automatic & manual excavation, track and building monitoring with geodetic & geotechnical sensors

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Naturhistorisches Museum Basel

New construction S21 Berlin Central Station

Deutsche Bahn AG, 2015 - 2026
Berlin, Germany

Automatic bridge, building and tunnel monitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Ropeways Monitoring Zermatt

Zermatt Bergbahnen AG, 2018 - ...
Zermatt, Switzerland

Permanent ropeways pillar monitoring

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Zermatt Bergbahnen

Landslide Area Brienz-Brinzauls

Kanton Graubünden, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren, 2019 - ...
Brienz (GR), Switzerland

Permanent monitoring of an active landslide area with various sensors

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Bergsturzgebiet Brienz-Brinzauls

New underpass, Winterthur railway station

STRABAG AG, Schlieren, 2018 - 2022
Winterthur, Swistzerland

Automatic monitoring of excavation pits, railway tracks and buildings with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Bhf Winterthur Neubau Unterführung

Parco Verde, Schübelbach

Mächler Generalunternehmung AG, 2022 - 2023
Schübelbach, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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Parco Verde

Monitoring of the Litzirüti rock tower, Arosa

Rhätische Bahn, 2021 -
Arosa, Switzerland

Automatic rock monitoring

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Felsturm Litzirüti

New building Linthgasse Nuolen

Stähli AG Architekten, 2023
Nuolen, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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REFH Nuolen Linthgasse 9

New construction 3rd tube of the Gubrist tunnel, Zurich

FEDRO Swiss Federal Roads Office, 2016 - 2022
Zurich, Switzerland

Monitoring during construction with geodetic, geotechnical and environmental sensors, as well as manual control measurements

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Gubrist 3. Röhre

pRED Center, Basel

Roche, 2018 - 2020
Basel, Switzerland

Geotechnical monitoring with chain inclinometers and anchor forces

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pRed Basel

New Construction Inselspital BB12, Bern

Inselspital, Direktion Infrastruktur, 2017 - 2020
Bern, Switzerland

Automatic monitoring of excavation pits and buildings with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Inselspital BB12

Gleistribüne/Gleisarena, Zurich Central Station

SBB Immobilien, 2017 - 2019
Zurich, Switzerland

Automatic structural monitoring at Switzerland's largest railway station

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Gleisarena HB Zürich

New office building, Domat/Ems

Grünenfelder und Partner AG, 2021 - 2022
Domat/Ems, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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Büroneubau GP

Renovation of the Palace Hotel, Luzern

Civil engineer: Itten + Brechbühl, Zürich, 2018 - 2020
Luzern, Switzerland

Automatic height monitoring with hose levelling and tachymeter

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Hotel Palace Luzern

Subway access Tunnel Oberhafen Hamburg

Deutsche Bahn AG, 2021 - 2022
Hamburg, Germany

Automatic track monitoring in collaboration with our partner company Hanack & Partner mbB

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U-Bahnzugangsbauwerk Oberhafentunnel, Hamburg

Schweiter-Areal development, Horgen

Realstone SA, 2019 - 2021
Horgen-Oberdorf, Switzerland

Construction surveying and monitoring of structures and excavations

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Horgen Oberdorf

Campus Reidbach Wädenswil

TUWAG Immobilien AG, 2019 - 2020
Wädenswil, Switzerland

Construction surveying and monitoring of structures and excavations

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Campus Reidbach Wädenswil

New Constrcution GLC, ETH Zurich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) & Steiner AG, 2016 - 2019
Zürich, Switzerland

Geodetic and geotechnical permanent monitoring of a deep excavation pit

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Track disentanglement Bern Wylerfeld

Swiss Federal Railways SBB, 2015 - 2021
Bern, Switzerland

Monitoring during construction with geodetic and environmental sensors

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Bern Wylerfeld

NaGNet GPS Monitoring

NAGRA, Switzerland, 2010 - 2027
Northern Switzerland and Southern Germany

Long-term monitoring to detect local movements in the earth's crust

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NAGRA GPS-Monitoring

Track and excavation monitoring Murtenstrasse Bern

Gross Generalunternehmung AG, 2016 - 2019
Bern, Switzerland

Geomonitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors, supplemented with manual deformation measurements

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Bern Murtenstrasse

Moosfluh Cable Car, Riederalp

Aletsch Bahnen/PLANAX AG, 2015 - ...
Riederalp, Switzerland

Monitoring a large-scale terrain shift with TEDAMOS GNSS

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Moosfluh Bergbahn

AlpTransit Gotthard Dam and Terrain Monitoring

AlpTransit Gotthard AG & Axpo AG, 2000 - ...
Gotthard Region, Switzerland

Permanent monitoring of dams and their surroundings since the construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel

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AlpTransit Staumauermonitoring

Lüschersee Tschappina

Canton of Graubünden, Office for Forests and Natural Hazards, 2018 - ...
Tschappina, Switzerland

Permanent GNSS monitoring of a natural lake during the re-filling process

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Lueschersee Tschappina

New building rehabilitation clinic Bellikon

GROSS Generalunternehmung AG, 2014 - 2017
Bellikon, Switzerland

Construction surveying, manual and automatic monitoring

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GNSS Monitoring Kilchenstock

Glarus South municipality, 2017 - ...
Glarus, Switzerland

Monitoring of terrain displacement with autonomous GNSS stations

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GNSS Kilchenstock

Dortmund Central Station

Civil Engineering Office of the City of Dortmund, 2014 - 2017
Dortmund, Germany

Automatic track monitoring with chain inclinometers

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Dortmund Hauptbahnhof

Building monitoring Axel Springer Quarter

MOMENI ASQ GmbH, 2017 - 2018
Hamburg, Germany

Messtechnische Permanentüberwachung während Abriss- und Tiefbauarbeiten

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ASQ Hamburg

Long-term monitoring Riedberg Tunnel

Bundeamt für Strassen ASTRA, 2022 - 2030
Gampel, Switzerland

Automatic and manual tunnel and terrain monitoring measurements

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Haus zum Falken Zürich

Haus zum Falken, Zürich-Stadelhofen

Axa-Anlage­stiftung, Zürich , 2022 - 2025
Zürich, Switzerland

Automatic and manual excavation and track monitoring

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Quaibrücke, Zürich

Quaibrücke, Zurich

Civil engineering department of Zurich , 2024 - ...
Zurich, Switzerland

Automatic bridge monitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Pilatus Arena Kriens

Pilatus Arena Kriens

Halter AG, 2022 - 2026
Kriens, Switzerland

Manual and automatic monitoring measurements

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LUX Schindellegi

Construction project LUX, Schindellegi

Baulink AG, 2023 - 2026
Schindellegi, Switzerland

Automatic and manual monitoring measurements

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Rösslimatt Luzern

Rösslimatt building site B+C, Lucerne

SBB AG/Stump-BTE AG, 2023
Lucerne, Switzerland

Complex groundwater monitoring during civil engineering works

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Akara Tower

Akara Tower, Baden

HRS Real Estate AG, 2021-2022
Baden, Switzerland

Automatic monitoring measurements and as-built documentation with CraneCam

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Sammelbüel Teufen

New building Sammelbüel Teufen

Timon Bischofberger AG, 2023-2024
Teufen, Switzerland

Construction pit monitoring and CraneCam documentation

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UG25 StGallen

Extension car park UG25, St. Gallen

Senn Resources AG, 2019 - 2023
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Automatic and manual building monitoring with geodetic, geotechnical and environmental sensors

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Naturhistorisches Museum Basel

Natural History Museum, Basel

Implenia Schweiz AG, 2021 - 2024
Basel, Switzerland

Automatic & manual excavation, track and building monitoring with geodetic & geotechnical sensors

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Berlin Hauptbahnhof

New construction S21 Berlin Central Station

Deutsche Bahn AG, 2015 - 2026
Berlin, Germany

Automatic bridge, building and tunnel monitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Zermatt Bergbahnen

Ropeways Monitoring Zermatt

Zermatt Bergbahnen AG, 2018 - ...
Zermatt, Switzerland

Permanent ropeways pillar monitoring

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Bergsturzgebiet Brienz-Brinzauls

Landslide Area Brienz-Brinzauls

Kanton Graubünden, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren, 2019 - ...
Brienz (GR), Switzerland

Permanent monitoring of an active landslide area with various sensors

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Bhf Winterthur Neubau Unterführung

New underpass, Winterthur railway station

STRABAG AG, Schlieren, 2018 - 2022
Winterthur, Swistzerland

Automatic monitoring of excavation pits, railway tracks and buildings with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Parco Verde

Parco Verde, Schübelbach

Mächler Generalunternehmung AG, 2022 - 2023
Schübelbach, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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Felsturm Litzirüti

Monitoring of the Litzirüti rock tower, Arosa

Rhätische Bahn, 2021 -
Arosa, Switzerland

Automatic rock monitoring

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REFH Nuolen Linthgasse 9

New building Linthgasse Nuolen

Stähli AG Architekten, 2023
Nuolen, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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Gubrist 3. Röhre

New construction 3rd tube of the Gubrist tunnel, Zurich

FEDRO Swiss Federal Roads Office, 2016 - 2022
Zurich, Switzerland

Monitoring during construction with geodetic, geotechnical and environmental sensors, as well as manual control measurements

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pRed Basel

pRED Center, Basel

Roche, 2018 - 2020
Basel, Switzerland

Geotechnical monitoring with chain inclinometers and anchor forces

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Inselspital BB12

New Construction Inselspital BB12, Bern

Inselspital, Direktion Infrastruktur, 2017 - 2020
Bern, Switzerland

Automatic monitoring of excavation pits and buildings with geodetic and geotechnical sensors

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Gleisarena HB Zürich

Gleistribüne/Gleisarena, Zurich Central Station

SBB Immobilien, 2017 - 2019
Zurich, Switzerland

Automatic structural monitoring at Switzerland's largest railway station

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Büroneubau GP

New office building, Domat/Ems

Grünenfelder und Partner AG, 2021 - 2022
Domat/Ems, Switzerland

Automatic, image-based as-built site documentation with CraneCam

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Hotel Palace Luzern

Renovation of the Palace Hotel, Luzern

Civil engineer: Itten + Brechbühl, Zürich, 2018 - 2020
Luzern, Switzerland

Automatic height monitoring with hose levelling and tachymeter

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U-Bahnzugangsbauwerk Oberhafentunnel, Hamburg

Subway access Tunnel Oberhafen Hamburg

Deutsche Bahn AG, 2021 - 2022
Hamburg, Germany

Automatic track monitoring in collaboration with our partner company Hanack & Partner mbB

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Horgen Oberdorf

Schweiter-Areal development, Horgen

Realstone SA, 2019 - 2021
Horgen-Oberdorf, Switzerland

Construction surveying and monitoring of structures and excavations

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Campus Reidbach Wädenswil

Campus Reidbach Wädenswil

TUWAG Immobilien AG, 2019 - 2020
Wädenswil, Switzerland

Construction surveying and monitoring of structures and excavations

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New Constrcution GLC, ETH Zurich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) & Steiner AG, 2016 - 2019
Zürich, Switzerland

Geodetic and geotechnical permanent monitoring of a deep excavation pit

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Bern Wylerfeld

Track disentanglement Bern Wylerfeld

Swiss Federal Railways SBB, 2015 - 2021
Bern, Switzerland

Monitoring during construction with geodetic and environmental sensors

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NAGRA GPS-Monitoring

NaGNet GPS Monitoring

NAGRA, Switzerland, 2010 - 2027
Northern Switzerland and Southern Germany

Long-term monitoring to detect local movements in the earth's crust

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Bern Murtenstrasse

Track and excavation monitoring Murtenstrasse Bern

Gross Generalunternehmung AG, 2016 - 2019
Bern, Switzerland

Geomonitoring with geodetic and geotechnical sensors, supplemented with manual deformation measurements

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Moosfluh Bergbahn

Moosfluh Cable Car, Riederalp

Aletsch Bahnen/PLANAX AG, 2015 - ...
Riederalp, Switzerland

Monitoring a large-scale terrain shift with TEDAMOS GNSS

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AlpTransit Staumauermonitoring

AlpTransit Gotthard Dam and Terrain Monitoring

AlpTransit Gotthard AG & Axpo AG, 2000 - ...
Gotthard Region, Switzerland

Permanent monitoring of dams and their surroundings since the construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel

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Lueschersee Tschappina

Lüschersee Tschappina

Canton of Graubünden, Office for Forests and Natural Hazards, 2018 - ...
Tschappina, Switzerland

Permanent GNSS monitoring of a natural lake during the re-filling process

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New building rehabilitation clinic Bellikon

GROSS Generalunternehmung AG, 2014 - 2017
Bellikon, Switzerland

Construction surveying, manual and automatic monitoring

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GNSS Kilchenstock

GNSS Monitoring Kilchenstock

Glarus South municipality, 2017 - ...
Glarus, Switzerland

Monitoring of terrain displacement with autonomous GNSS stations

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Dortmund Hauptbahnhof

Dortmund Central Station

Civil Engineering Office of the City of Dortmund, 2014 - 2017
Dortmund, Germany

Automatic track monitoring with chain inclinometers

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ASQ Hamburg

Building monitoring Axel Springer Quarter

MOMENI ASQ GmbH, 2017 - 2018
Hamburg, Germany

Messtechnische Permanentüberwachung während Abriss- und Tiefbauarbeiten

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