The user-friendly TEDAMOS Web

TEDAMOS Web has been specifically developed for easy interpretability of results and intuitive usability.

Access to the web portal is project-specific and password-protected, offering a wide range of display options. Results can be accessed in various ways, such as on overview maps, cross-sectional views, etc., and can be presented in tables, time-distance diagrams, or graphs like heatmaps, step charts, or bar charts.

The layout and navigation of TEDAMOS Web adapt to the characteristics of the end device. Your data series are accessible and clearly presented both in the office and on the go, regardless of your hardware and software.

Layer Structure

The overview maps are structured in layers, applying to both the background/base maps and the measurement points. In the menu, the desired information can be easily toggled on or off.

Measurement Functions

The web portal is based on absolute coordinates, allowing all representations in the overview maps to be displayed to scale. This enables measurement functions such as coordinate, length, or area measurements directly within the map.


Initial Configuration

In the initial configuration, it is defined which information is enabled at the start. Depending on the number of measurement points, this can include info boxes with the latest measurements, point labels, position and/or height displacement vectors, or simply the point symbols with the system status (measurability, alert level).

Background Maps

The base/background maps are freely configurable and can include orthophotos, national maps, official survey maps, freely available WMS services, or georeferenced CAD project plans. You can switch between different base maps using the legend.

3D Viewer

If high-resolution elevation information of the project area (e.g., from a drone flight) is available, it can be interactively visualized with a 3D viewer.

Further Processing

Each diagram can be printed via the menu, saved as a PDF or PNG graphic, or the displayed measurements can be downloaded in CSV format for further processing.

Diagram Types

In addition to the most commonly used distance-time diagram, there are many other possible diagram types. Other types include area diagrams (wind speed), heatmaps (monthly representation for noise measurements), step charts (frequency plots for vibration measurements), vertical plots (inclinometer measurements), or bar charts (twist representations for track monitoring).

Distance-Time Diagram

Single Point: displays all components for an individual measurement point.

Multi-Point: combines data from multiple points, allowing for comparison and analysis of various locations.

Area Diagram

e.g. display of wind speeds

Bar Chart

Twist Representation for Tracks: Visualizes the twisting or warping of railway tracks.


Monthly Noise Representations: Illustrates noise measurements over a month, providing a visual representation of noise levels and patterns.

Frequency Plot

Vibration Measurements/Geophones: Shows frequency data for vibration measurements, typically used with geophones to analyze seismic activity.

Vertical Plots

Inclinometer: Displays inclinometer measurements to show vertical displacements and inclinations.


The TEDAMOS alarm configuration offers a wide range of settings and alert options such as email, SMS, phone call, traffic lights, warning horn or light, including acknowledgment and cascading functions.

For each measurement point, multi-level (typically 3 levels) alarm thresholds can be defined and individually configured in terms of the number of exceedances/under-runs (minimizing false alarms), the method of alert delivery, and the distribution list.

The threshold definitions can be set as absolute, relative, or percentage values (e.g., +/- 30% of the initial value).


PDF Report Generation

Automated: The solution provides a report configurator where automated weekly or daily reports can be individually configured in terms of content, delivery time, and distribution groups.

On Demand: Users of the web portal can generate a report with the latest measurement data (tables/graphics/logs) at any time with the push of a button and download it as a PDF report.

API-Interface for Third-Party Data

TEDAMOS provides a fully documented API (Application Programming Interface) that allows TEDAMOS data to be exported to external databases/applications or third-party data to be imported into the TEDAMOS database using standardized commands.

The web portal can be accessed at

If you are interested in a demo login, we will be happy to send you one. To do so, please contact us at